Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, noon, Chapter 5 Club, Fremont.
Fremont Kiwanis Club meeting, noon, Midland University Private Dining Rooms, Ninth and Pebble streets, Fremont.
Fremont Area Parkinson’s Support Group, 1-2 p.m., Fremont Friendship Center Meeting Room, 1730 W. 16th St. Audrey Olson, a speech language pathologist, will give a presentation on “Minimizing Your Risk for Aspiration Pneumonia with Parkinson’s Disease.” To RSVP, email or call 402-753-6126. Everyone attending is asked to bring a mask to wear.
Fremont Eagles Club open, 3 p.m. to 12 a.m., 649 N. Main St. The club may close early depending on business.
Dodge County Board of Supervisors, Dodge County Board of Equalization and Dodge County Board of Corrections meetings, 9 a.m., Dodge County Courthouseâs third-floor boardroom, 435 N. Park Ave., Fremont. The meetings are open to the public.
Northeast Nebraska Community Action Partnership WIC and immunization clinic, 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Gardner-Hawk Center, 2848 College Dr., Blair. This will include the COVID vaccine. For an appointment or for more information regarding the WIC or immunization programs, call 402-385-6300.
Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, noon, Chapter 5 Club, 136 N. Main St., Fremont.
Fremont Eagles Club open, 3 p.m. to 12 a.m., 649 N. Main St. The club may close early depending on business.
Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, 10 a.m., Chapter 5 Club, 136 N. Main St., Fremont.
Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, noon, Chapter 5 Club, Fremont.
Narcotics Anonymous meeting, 1 p.m., LifeHouse, 723 N. Broad St., Fremont. The hotline number is 402-459-9511.
Fremont Eagles Club open, 3 p.m. to 12 a.m., 649 N. Main St. The club may close early depending on business.
Utility and Infrastructure Board meeting, 4 p.m., Fremont Municipal Board, 400 E. Military Ave. Meetings are being held in person and electronically to allow remote meeting access via computer or telephone. The link and instructions are provided on the agenda that is posted in the agenda section of the city’s website at