According to police, the accident occurred on Saturday night, when the motorcycle ridden by Piyush Pal collided with another two-wheeler | Latest News Delhi
Master of All Trades, Jack of None: Mrinal Chaudhury
Have you ever met a person who is as diligent as she is helpful? A weird blend of hard work, dedication, innovation, creativity and approachability is precisely what makes this story worth admiring. One such person for whom even the above description sounds modest is
Mrinal Chaudhury, a final year student of the Department of Industrial Design. From being a designer, a writer, an editor, a leader, and now a mentor, she has the rare ability to be great at everything she sets her foot in, be it the kind of commitment she displayed while spearheading Monday Morning or being one of the very few to break all stereotypes of the Industrial Design department with an exemplary academic profile.