arguing they are racist and the poll worker is accused of taking advantage of a voter who asked to help by pressing straight democratic option which the voter did not want. he claims the incidentses were carley: calling for the u.s. to use counter terrorism technique against republicans in an op-ed. he says the probganda leads to violence. free speech protection in the u.s. prevent authorities from replicating counter terrorism strategy at home. there are important lessons we should apply and calls out right leaning politicians saying we need fo identify what crosses the line into the realm of dangerous rhetoric, calling out
about crushing that particular writer, but deterring anyone who would investigate russia s elite. a saudi millionaire is attacking an american reporter, suing her in england to get around u.s. free speech protection. the writer ended up caught in a very expensive, international plot. i told the truth. i do not live in england, but the book was published there. she refused to go to england for the case, so their courts ended up fining her a quarter million dollars. these are writers, journalists, researchers. remember? people can t afford this. the uk also ordered the book destroyed in that proceeding. so it turns out, america, it s not just the food that s much worse in english. sick burn, but true. it s not just the food. it s also their free speech
court findings. it s almost unheard of, and i was trying to think of something to say to the man. the only thing i could think of was i shook his hand and said thank you for giving my life back. we make decisions every day, but we don t save lives, police do, firemen do, heroes. but that day i knew i d saved his life. mike callahan s fight to bring about the truth of corruption and misconduct in randy s case had ruined his career. in 2003, he sued the state of illinois for violating his right to free speech. i was angry. i felt betrayed by my department. the only thing i m guilty of is wanting to solve a homicide, look for the truth. callahan won his lawsuit but before he could collect his award, the supreme court declared that government employees didn t have free speech protection if they were talking about something that involved their work. it was a huge setback for whistle blowers. the ruling tells police officers, why risk being fired.
it s a violation of their free speech protection. the digital equivalent. constitutional attorney. there are three tweets i want two-point out. the same guy that doesn t proof read his twitter handles this is from eugene. the second one is obviously there. the same user there. blocked by the president of the united states. yes trump blocked me today this one might have sent him over the edge march for truth. can you explain the argument and obviously they are following the tweets that got them blocked by the president. can you explain the arguments. they are very disagreeable tweets.
green light, but didn t see the barson s car when she crossed into their lanes. police say witnesses told investigators that williams ran a red light. williams has not been charged. she is seeded number ten at wimbledon, which begins on monday. zpleenchts let s head to the nfl now where the washington redskins will remain the redski redskins. the letter to a federal appeals court, the justice department abandoned its legal fight over the redskins name citing last week s supreme court decision that ruled in favor of an asian-american band calling themselves the slants. the court found that it would be unconstitutional for the u.s. patent and trademark office to discriminate against the band s name citing the first amendment s free speech protection. the redskins case had been on hold in the federal appeals court while the band s case was being decided. as for right now, their legal worries are over. the u.s. patent and trademark office originally revoked the redskins trademark back i