1969 was a year of great upheaval in Libya. The monarchy was falling apart. The key state institution scattered between Tripoli, Benghazi, Al Bayda, and Tobruk, as well as Libya’s King, Idris Al Senussi, had become indifferent. Senussi had grown weary of ruling the country and began spending much of his time abroad. He did not manage the state on a day-to-day basis, nor did he delegate power to his prime ministers. Silent conflicts were being fought among the rulers.
The 1958 Lebanese civil war, ignited amidst the Cold War and Arab nationalism, mirrored a clash of ideologies, where President Camille Chamoun's pro-Western stance collided with pan-Arabists and leftist factions, marking a precursor to the nation's tumultuous future and the larger civil war of the mid-70s and 80s. In conclusion, Lebanon is a prime example of how a small nation's conflict could have global repercussions if diplomatic efforts are not taken to mitigate conflict. The short 1958 civil war was a prelude to Lebanon's greater civil war in the mid-70s and 80s, which the country has not recovered from to this day.
Egypt has just celebrated the 71st anniversary of the coup of 23 July, 1952; or revolution, call it what you will. It is generally agreed that this changed the shape of the Arab world as well as the s.