Today, the military is ramping up efforts to cement authoritarian control of online space, alongside violent crackdowns, and serious human rights violations. This is a digital coup, and the world must resist.
INTERNATIONAL civic society organisations (CSOs) have petitioned Speaker of the National Assembly Jacob Mudenda to block passage of the Private Voluntary
A group of Civil society organisations has written to the Zimbabwean Speaker of Parliament expressing their collective concern regarding the Private Voluntary
IFJ 30 April 2021
South Asia: IFJ to launch 19th South Asia Press Freedom Report
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on behalf of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) will launch the 19th annual South Asia Press Freedom Report entitled Truth In a Time of Pandemic: The Viral Frontline at 12:30 pm (New Delhi time) on May 3, 2021, World Press Freedom Day. The launch will be held online.
The report will include analysis on the situation of press freedom in every South Asian country, lists of detained journalists in South Asia, details of media rights violations and an interview with journalists’ union leaders in South Asia. The report will be uploaded to the IFJ website and SAMSN website as the launch commences.