The team that wins Qualcomm Snapdragon Conquest will win Rs 20,00,000. The second and third-placed teams will win Rs 8,00,000 and Rs 5,00,000 respectively. There are also prizes up for grabs for reaching the finale. Additionally, individual valour and team effort will also be commended in the grand finale and receive special awards such as:
Team with the highest kills in the Grand Finale - INR 1,00,000
Individual with the highest kills in the Grand Finale - INR 50,000
The Most Valuable Player Award (Fan vote) - INR 50,000
The Most Popular Team Award (Fan vote) - INR 1,00,000
How to watch
The finals will start streaming at 5:00pm IST on Friday, 12th March and on Saturday, 13th March 2021. It will be available on Snapdragon Conquest’s official website, and the official Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube accounts
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