Two library branches in Saskatoon recently moved to contactless service after instances of both physical and verbal abuse against patrons and staff. ".
The Saskatoon Public Library has posted on their website that the Frances Morrison Central and Dr. Freda Ahenakew branch have moved to contactless ser.
Two branches of the Saskatoon Public Library system will be moving to contactless delivery until the end of February after aggressive incidents against staff members.
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Citing an increase in COVID-19 cases in the city, the Saskatoon Public Library is temporarily closing all its locations for in-person visits and most services.
SPL is set to close its branches for two weeks, starting May 3, after which time the decision will be reevaluated, according to SPL.
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Try refreshing your browser. Saskatoon libraries moving to curbside, virtual services for two weeks Back to video
“Since the beginning of the pandemic, our primary concern at SPL has been the safety of employees and patrons,” CEO Carol Cooley said in a statement.