The iconic hallmark of Lamar, Colo., known as KLMR Radio, Giant of the High Plains by generations of listeners has gone silent and will more than likely never be on air again. On Sept. 26,…
Sixty Years Ago This Week: With election season in full swing, Colorado Democratic Party Chairman Fred Betz fired back at Republican Chairman Jean Tool over a spate of negative advertisements
Sixty Years Ago This Week: Democratic Party leadership expressed their displeasure over what they deemed had been an “ill-advised” attack against Democrat incumbent U.S. Sen. John Carroll.
Sixty Years Ago This Week: Colorado Democratic Party Chairman Fred Betz expressed his disdain for Republican lieutenant governor candidate Dr. Gail Gilbert’s inflammatory comments about the Democratic Party.
Sixty-Five Years Ago This Week: Colorado Gov. Steve McNichols and U.S. Sen. John A. Carroll had each announced in separate press events that they would be seeking reelection, eliciting a