decides with another group of passengers to rent a car drive 20 hours to their destination together. that is exactly what some of our guests tonight did. in a little while, i will introduce you to this group of total travel total strangers, who had a quite an adventure when they decided to drive from tampa to cleveland together and they reported their trip and it went viral. meanwhile, ten billion people across the south are under freeze alerts. and the death toll from the storm is dry saying. at least 49 people have died across the country. 27 of those are in the buffalo area. authorities fear that they will find more bodies in cars as they begin to dig out from what is being called the worst storm in the region s history. you can see some of it there. while police have their hands full with rescues, stores are being looted. i will talk to a supermarket messenger who spent christmas eve washing his store who got broken into. i want to bring in now cnn s miguel marquez, he s
republicans in congress ability to actually talk about what they want to do. i mean, they re they re retreat. they ve been in a retreat since sunday. and there is not anything else they ve been able to talk about , except reacting to whether trump s gonna get indicted. what s he going to get in and get indicted for? how do you feel about his indictment? and it means like from our perspective, we re going to talk about president biden s ability to reduce produced prescription drug across the fact that we re continuing to invest in infrastructure, creating millions of jobs. and they re talking about when and whether trump s going to jail. frank makes a good point right and his point number three about independent voters, right? that s what we need to win. right we re gonna win the base. we re gonna win an alabama the president s going to do very well. president trump would do very well in general election. but as we saw in these most recent midterms, the reason that there was no right wa
the virus. you spoke to it s all the same. it all equals the same . and it s one of the reasons why trump has been so buoyant. now i want to make this also clear he has collapsed among independents, and he s nowhere among democrats. so at the very moment that he is more likely than he was a few months ago to win the republican nomination, he s actually less likely than it was a few months ago to be eventually elected president. among his base. he can do no wrong among his opponents. he could do no right and among the people in the middle they re starting to wonder. have we had enough of this? they appreciate his presidency. they appreciate his leadership. but frankly, they want him to go away. okay frank, stand by. i want to bring in the panel. now let me start with you. congresswoman does everything frank just said, give you pause about hoping perhaps as many democrats are that donald trump will be indicted. well, i think an additional thing that collapses based on what frank just des
jennifer rogers and pollster frank let s joins us because he just wrapped up a focus group with publican voters today, frank, tell us the headlines tell us what they re thinking about former president trump and about the possible indictment of him. so i want to be clear about this. if the president is indicted, his numbers will go up among republicans. they feel that he is the victim of partisan attack. they will feel that he s being unfairly treated and they are more likely to rally around him, then to abandon him. we saw the same thing in mar a lago a few months ago, and i don t think that his opponents really grasp the idea that donald trump is the best victim in politics. that i ve ever seen in the 35 years that i ve been working. that s number one number two is that governor de santis is a legitimate opponent of his. and what really matters is states that really matter for all of this iowa, new hampshire, south carolina and nevada. i don t care what the
all, the headline is nobody likes mike pence and again. these are big trump supporters and what he heard was just, um, truly nobody has a kind thing to say. i mean, here here are a couple of quotes from the article. um he s only going to get the vote from his family. and i m not sure even they like him. that s one quote. he just needs to go away is another. it went on and on like that, across four different focus groups of the 34 republicans who participated. i heard only four people say that consider pence for president and two of them immediately started talking themselves out of it. after indicating interests, your thoughts, frank. no mike pence is a great debater. mike pence is a good communicator when they focus rather than what happened to him on january 6th, and they focus on what he believes is philosophy. how he communicates it. you re gonna see him rise in the polls. the problem with pence. the challenge for ben s is that he s in donald trump s shadow, and there s no way to g