are two actors that had no outcome of the result. frank, do you want to get in on this? nicolle, you hit it right on the head. generally, especially for agents who have worked public corruption and spent time in washington, the philosophy is, look, they re all corrupt. we ve seen it all. look, it s like an oncologist who sees nothing but cancer all day. imagine working nothing but corruption for much of your career. you become extremely jaded and you hold at arms length the notion that there are straight-up politicians. so you can see this in all of their texting. everyone is fair game. no one is pure and pristine in their minds. and that s what we re seeing here. but nonetheless, nicolle, i have to say for a senior executive like pete strzok to come out and in a text or e-mail and say, we ll stop trump, completely inappropriate. and i doubt he s going to survive this. i don t see how he survives it. let s talk about that, frank. so, lisa page is no longer at the fbi. pete strzok
but under his terms of something that was important for the american public to know. it s vastly different, a foreign power trying to meddle with the most sacred part of our life versus a child molester with a few e-mails on his laptop. frank, i saw you nodding. this is what comey spent a lot of time in his book and now addressed in the i.g. report, the disparity with which he s treated the hillary case in terms of feeling compelled to go forward to congress and public and not feeling compelled to do the same when the russians are meddling with our election. and i respectfully disagree with his judgment on that. americans want know what they re looking on facebook and on twitter is coming from the russian intelligence service especially when it s cohappenin during campaign. top secret, classified information, a forward moving case, but something needed to come out publicly to say, look, we have a problem here and at least the social media propaganda could have been pointed out.
election. it undermines everything he said about the reason he fired jim comey. everything he said, his administration said about jim comey because of the investigation. the problem even going further back is the case itself was nothing. it was written on water. i mean, i keep coming back this is my hobby horse. people don t understand that there were two can i get you a new hobby two systems at the state department, classified high side and there is an unclassified low side. you cannot send a classified e-mail on the low side and you cannot send a nonclassified e-mail on the high side. so, there was no intentionality about hiding anything. the original sin was her private server which made everything else seem like there was a conspiracy. but, in fact, there was no violation of the law at all. i mean, there was carelessness and even a bit of negligence, but there was no crime and no intentionality. frank, i want to get you in on that to respond. but i also want you to ta
decisions we received. one trump ally said to me today that the president is likely to overplay his hand with this report as he often does by trying to paint the mueller investigation with the same brush as the i.g. report. this source saying, quote, bob did the right thing by firing the agents in question and chris wray looks good now for replacing the senior fbi leadership. this source s point, most of the individuals criticized in today s report are long gone. let s get into it with the reporters covering it and some of the our favorite experts and guests from the washington post. develin barrett, frank figliuzzi former fbi assistant director to counter intelligence is back. former u.s. attorney joyce vance is here at the table with us. matt miller, former chief spokesman for the justice department and rick steng l, former secretary of state for public diplomacy and former managing editor for time magazine. frank, since you re the only former fbi person, senior former member of seni
trial. the problem is the federal government, the fec and department of justice where they are going to have a criminal investigation for violations not just charitable law but campaign finance law. this ends up being the second or third if you count michael cohen, criminal investigation into the president and his organization. i laugh, frank iffigliuzzi, u have other things to do, but we need you every day at 4:00. there is criminal liable, civil liability, people investigating misconduct under every stone you turnover with trump and his family. yeah, so, look. it s widespread corruption. it s a genetic trait apparently. this is going to be tough for him because it touches directly on ivanka and on eric, right, because of their roles in the charity. they re named in this new york state action. and then it s a reminder to trump that you may have federal issues. you can fire mueller, you can fire rosenstein, but there are