DAR honors four high school seniors
The Joseph McDowell Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution recognized four high school seniors for their citizenship at a virtual chapter meeting on Feb. 12. Awards went to Guadalupe Aguilar-Gaona of Henderson County Early College, Gracie Milner of Hendersonville High School, Sarah Monoson of West Henderson High School and Jordan Reaves of North Henderson High School. The topic for this year’s essay was: How do the combined actions of so many good citizens keep our nation moving forward?
The winners also participated in extracurricular activities, contributed to the community, demonstrated preparation for college and exemplified the qualities that make a good citizen: dependability, service, leadership and patriotism. Each winner received a $50 check, a pin and a certificate. The Good Citizens Award and Scholarship Essay contest was created in 1934 by a resolution of the DAR Continental Congress. To date, more than 6,000 students have par