WHEELING A portion of Chapline Street in Center Wheeling is scheduled to be closed for 11 months, according to city officials, who on Monday released a proj
WHEELING – A portion of Chapline Street in Center Wheeling is scheduled to be closed for 11 months, according to city officials, who on Monday released a projected timeline for the dismantling of the Center Wheeling Parking Garage. The work will begin on Monday, March 4, and Chapline Street from 20th Street to 22nd Street […]
WHEELING The history of Ohio Valley Medical Center is being preserved in the collection and cataloging of artifacts including old nursing uniforms, surgical equipment from the Civil War era, photos and two time capsules found in cornerstones. The job is being led by two former OVMC nurse administrators Mary McKinley and Betty Jo […]
WHEELING The history of Ohio Valley Medical Center is being preserved in the collection and cataloging of artifacts including old nursing uniforms, surgical
WHEELING Delays in the completion of the new $9 million Wheeling Fire Department Headquarters in East Wheeling will likely cause the city to relocate the current headquarters to a temporary location in the coming months until the new facility is ready for occupancy. Progress on the new building along 17th Street in East Wheeling […]