WHEELING The city flag of Wheeling was hoisted over the vacant U.S. Army Reserve Center in the Clator section of the city this past week after city officials received the keys to the property. The former center known officially as the BG J Sumner Jones United States Army Reserve Center for decades […]
WHEELING A portion of Chapline Street in Center Wheeling is scheduled to be closed for 11 months, according to city officials, who on Monday released a proj
WHEELING – A portion of Chapline Street in Center Wheeling is scheduled to be closed for 11 months, according to city officials, who on Monday released a projected timeline for the dismantling of the Center Wheeling Parking Garage. The work will begin on Monday, March 4, and Chapline Street from 20th Street to 22nd Street […]
WHEELING While the city of Wheeling is preparing to demolish one parking garage beginning next week and open a new one this spring, some other downtown parking structures in the city are set to undergo nearly $1 million in regular repairs and maintenance. Members of Wheeling City Council are scheduled to meet tonight beginning […]
WHEELING The crew at the Wheeling Fire Headquarters and some special guests broke bread together in the Center Wheeling station for the very last time on We