The factory in Tamil Nadu has been at the centre of a mass food-poisoning incident which sparked employee protests and threw light on the living conditions of the workers in hostels near the factory.
Apple supplier Foxconn Technology Group on Wednesday said it was restructuring its local management at its Sriperumbudur facility in southern India after it found some issues at its offsite. | December 29, 2021
Apple has placed the southern Indian factory of iPhone assembler Foxconn on probation after both companies found that some worker dormitories and dining rooms did not meet required standards.
Women workers had staged a massive protest last week after inmates of the hostel where they were staying had to be hospitalised due to suspected food poisoning.
CUPERTINO (dpa-AFX) - iPhone maker Apple Inc. (AAPL.O) said on Wednesday that it had put on probation the Chennai factory of iPhone assembler Foxconn after reports that certain worker dormitories