VIce presIdent Kamala HarrIs Is facIng questIons how to answer on several of her past far left posItIons. We have not seen her do a News Conference In the 50 days that she has been announced as the presIdent Ial candIdate on the left. And now her posItIons are wafflIng In the wInd. We dIdnt really know where they were to begIn wIth except for they were far left. Now someone just saId the quIet part out loud. The truth about Kamala HarrIs. Well get to It. Im HarrIs Faulkner and you are In the faulkner focus. Well, here he Is, senator BernIe Sanders, a selfprofessed DemocratIc SocIalIst may have just told us exactly why Kamala HarrIs Is flIpfloppIng. I dont thInk she Is abandonIng her Ideals. I thInk she Is tryIng to be pragmatIc and doIng what she thInks Is rIght In order to wIn the electIon. Do you consIder VIce PresIdent harrIs to be progressIve, senator . I do. Her vIews are not mIne but I consIder her a progressIve. HarrIs he would be the expert pretty much on that. He Is the most f
The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority has found itself under scrutiny from the country’s judiciary for its ill-advised clampdown on media.
Bill visits the Glenn Beck radio program, where he discusses Fox News and Attorney General Merrick Garland.
The duo also touches upon Dilbert creator, Scott Adams.
EDITOR’S NOTE: All reporting in this piece is based on a Freedom of Information Act request filed by The Breeze for emails between and to top JMU officials in the
EDITOR’S NOTE: All reporting in this piece is based on a Freedom of Information Act request filed by The Breeze for emails between and to top JMU officials in the