At issue here, was Zillow’s unauthorized use of 2,700 photos on the “Digs” portion of its website, a webpage that provided visual inspiration for remodel projects.
AI/ML platforms, trade secrets can include the structure of the AI/ML model, proprietary training data, a particular method of using the AI/ML model, any output calculated by the AI/ML model that is converted into an end product for a customer, and aspects of the platform.
We previously discussed which portions of an artificial intelligence/machine-learning (“AI/ML”) platform could be patented or protected under trade secret, such as related to biotech.
Copyright allows an entity to protect tangible, original, and reproducible works, such as music, films, photographs, books, software code, and websites.
Coming full circle, media agencies have started suing celebrities for copyright infringement for taking paparazzi photos and sharing them without license or consent.