The Bhartiya Janata Party has planned a range of activities, starting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's address to party workers, to commemorate the party's Foundational Day on April 6.
The BJP has planned a range of activities, starting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's address to party workers, to commemorate the party's Foundational Day on April 6.
PM Modi to speak with party workers on BJP Foundation Day, week-long celebration planned - The various events planned by BJP will take place for the entire week starting from April 6 and will conclude with commemoration of Ambedkar Jayanti
The Bhartiya Janata Party has planned a range of activities, starting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's address to party workers, to commemorate the party's Foundational Day on April 6.
The various events planned by BJP will take place for the entire week starting from April 6 and will conclude with the commemoration of Ambedkar Jayanti on April 14.