The evidence of her deed resides in various archives. 1863, she makes an appearance as a witness in a courtmartial procedure. At the time, she was working as a nurse. The Court Transcripts allows us to hear in her own words. As theeived a pension widow of the union veteran. He had served as a private in the colored infantry. After he died, she dish in congress for additional benefits for her own service. Congress received numerous documents. It they are here in the records of the house of representatives. In 1899, this authorized an 20 ase in her pension to month for her service as a nurse. Tonight, a panel will examine the life and legacy of Harriet Tubman and the preservation efforts of her birthplace. We will begin with a presentation. She is filling in for Robert Parker is the new program. He was unable to be with us tonight. Dr. Jones is the archivist at morgan state. Her scholarship is evident in numerous publications. Of threee author autobiographies of table figures in African
Pension as the widow of a Union Soldier that served in the college infantry. After he died, tubman petitioned for additional benefits for her own services outlined as nurse, cook, and commander of several 8 9 scouts during the late war. Congress received numerous documents supporting her claim. They, along with her affidavit, are here. 1889, the president signed legislation that authorized an increase of tubmans pension for 20 a month for her service as a nurse. Examine the life and legacy of Harriet Tubman and the preservation efforts of her maryland birthplace. You begin with a presentation from the Maryland Office of tourism and development. Then, dr. Jones, the University Archivist at morgan state university. He is the University Archivist at morgan state, her scholarship publications,many speaking engagements, and appearances. She is the author of 3 books on pivotal figures. Please welcome the panel to the stage. [applause] good evening. I work for the great state of maryland, the
Courtmartial proceeding. She was working as a nurse in South Carolina and the Court Transcript allows us to hear her in her own words. After the war, she received the pension as a widow of a union veteran, nelson davis who had served as a private in the 8 United States colored infantry. Years after she died, tubman petitioned congress for additional benefits for her own service outlined in her affidavit as nurse and cook in hospitals and commander of several men, eight or nine, as scouts dpurg the late war. Congress received numerous documents and letters supporting tubmans claim and they, along with her affidavit are here in the records of the niets house of representatives. Tubmans pentagon was increased to 20 for her service as a nurse. Tonight, a distinguished panel will discus the life enlegacy of Harriet Tubman and ongoing presentation efforts of her birthplace. Ms. Ross is feeling in for robert f. Parker listed in our program but unable to be with. Dr. Jones is the University Ar
Water spectacles. Conservation core boys are policing the beach, clearing it of ocean records that come from the tides from nowhere with the full enjoyment of the south seawater. Deep in the forests, theyre modifying natures handiwork in accordance with modern civilizations requirements and roads and trails are being made safe and easy for motor cars and theyre making many a sluggish brook and an even more delightful hunt for the clear waters and Fallen Timber that is a fire hazard are being removed and areas for picnickers are being provided. Housing of the conservation core has called for a considerable amount of construction in the park. The boys at russian gullch are fond of the manly art and a number of surprisingly expert boxers have been part of the regularly organized tournaments which are negro lads proven in r every action the value of the basic elements of the conservation corps idea, worthwhile work outdoors and fresh air and sunshine, good food, plenty of sleep and easy mi
The camp equipment is designed by draftsmen and engineers attached to the camps. The chief aim in design is that of fitness and relation to forest environment. Along and near the south fork of the eel river and the tributaries and in the region traversed by the redwood highway are outstanding beauty spots of stream and valley landscape. Though long established as a popular resort for visitors to h humbolt county, its always needed just the kind of work which was made possible through the inauguration of the ecw plan with its civilian corps workers. It was imperative that the beauty of the area be preserved by extending the boundaries of the original lands comprising the park. Clearing dense undergrowth from the big redwoods for Fire Prevention and freer growth provides lumber for practically any kind of construction job which may be desirable. The conservation corps boys make everything from heavy bridge timbers to park signs. Many of the trails being built have exceptional scenic beau