Kyle Lee Baker, 35, of Fort Dodge, Iowa passed away on Friday, November 17. A Visitation will be held on Monday November 27, 2023 from 2:00 to 4:00 PM with a Vi
Just over a week after thousands of cyclists cross the state on bicycles for RAGBRAI, dozens of cyclists are expected to descend upon downtown Fort Dodge for
The Karl L. King Municipal Band will continue to make Sunday evening special in Fort Dodge with their weekly band concerts, starting at 7:30 p.m. Because of the
-Messenger photo by Chad Thompson
Jan Wilson, left, and his wife, Phyllis, sit together with members of Pride in Community Appearance Wednesday afternoon at the Fort Museum and Frontier Village Opera House. The Fort Dodge couple, which founded PICA 20 years ago, were named the grand marshals for the 2021 Frontier Days Parade. -Messenger photo by Chad Thompson
Jan Wilson, who founded Pride In Community Appearance with his wife, Phyllis, wipes a tear from his eye Wednesday afternoon at the Fort Museum and Frontier Village Opera House. The Fort Dodge couple were named the grand marshals for the 2021 Frontier Days Parade. -Messenger photo by Chad Thompson