The Hyderabad E-Prix, initially scheduled for February 10, faced cancellation after just one season. Formula E cited a breach of the host city agreement by the newly-elected Telangana government as the reason behind the decision.
In February this year, the Necklace Road on the banks of Hussain Sagar in the heart of Hyderabad held the first-ever Formula E World Championship race in India., Hyderabad News, Times Now
Hyderabad: If you are someone who needs to take the NTR Marg and Necklace Road for office or other work, be prepared for another round of traffic restrictions in view of the much-awaited Formula E Hyderabad e-Prix in February. Starting February 5, the authorities will impose traffic curbs in and around the area of Formula E race in Hyderabad. The vehicular traffic will not be
The Brazilian is the most successful driver in Formula E in terms of points and has a championship to his name. Mahindra will look to win a championship next season with the new Gen 3 cars.