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Charles Dillard as my has more the mainland the death toll has now risen by 97 to just over 924 hours from midnight Sunday with as the 3000 new cases reported this is up 15 percent from Saturday and breaks a string of daily declines a government spokesman has said those declines showed containment measures were successful Meanwhile the operator of a cruise ship quarantine in Yokohama near Tokyo says an additional $66.00 cases were found aboard this is in addition to 70 reported I'm Charles the World Health Organization reports progress is being made in combating the Ebola epidemic in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo the latest number of reported cases stands at over $3400.00 with a mortality rate of about 66 percent research line reports for be away from Geneva the global fixation on the evolution of the novel coronavirus has not the d r c z ball epidemic got of the media spotlight however health officials working in the shadows have been making steady progress in slowing the transmission of this deadly virus w h O's regional director for Africa much diesel moiety tells v.o.a. The situation in the country is very different now than it was a few months ago this is a ball outbreak has been going on since August 2018 it is the 10th to hit the d.r. C. Since 1976 and the 2nd largest ever recorded after the 2014 Ebola epidemic and was that Africa Lisa shrine for v.o.a. News Geneva for more on the Ebola outbreak or the corona virus please go to v.o.a. News dot com You're listening to v.o.a. News authorities in northern Thailand began releasing bodies to relatives Monday after security forces cornered and killed a soldier who carried out the country's worst mass shooting the soldier killed 29 people in a tragedy that began Saturday and ended Sunday morning when security forces shot dead they have only armed attacker Authorities say the gunman Jack rip out Toma was infuriated a land deal brokered by his commanders mother in law. El Salvador's president called on his supporters to join him in pressuring lawmakers to approve a loan to boost security and park police to fight crime in the country writers will be holding reports President naive view Kayleigh is pressuring lawmakers to approve a law of over $1000000.00 on Sunday be careless summoned his supporters to demonstrate outside the Capitol building but human rights group Amnesty International called the introduction of armed soldiers Bobby Kelly in the parliament an unnecessary military presence and raises international alarm over the future of human rights in the country the murder rate in El Salvador declined last g. But authorities continue to battle the gangs that control vast swaths of land the 38 year old president promised a new era when he was elected and pledged to reduce the number of young people joining gangs Buchanan said he won't back down unless Congress acts that is Reuters. Will be holding reporting u.s. President Donald Trump will meet with the governors of all 50 us States today this follows an evening of celebration at the White House Julie Walker reports as a black tie White House dinner the president accompanied by the 1st lady welcomed all the governors we argue a little bit but 90 percent of the time we get along trunk mentioned new trade deals with China Mexico and Canada and earlier agreements with Japan and South Korea telling governors states reap the benefits we've done a tremendous job it's not easy being governor. It's you just look at the way our country is doing we've never done as well as we're doing right now the governor's return to the White House today for another session with President Trump I'm Julie Walker history was made at the Academy Awards last night a.p. Entertainment correspondent Oscar Wilde's Gabriel tells us all about it into a movie if you have seen in few of can understand without subtitles that is but at the end of the night the joy of. Really needed no translation on your number I'm speechless parasite comes the 1st non English language film to win the Best Picture award in the 92 year history of the Oscars holes class based satire gets forewards on the night he wins also for Best Director Best International Film and best screenplay he thanks fellow nominees like Martin Scorsese and Quentin Tarantino and said he would like to cut his Oscar into pieces to share with them. Right here. In the. City. Tonight if. Only to be. Her. Say. Say. Say. Listen to me. And. Let me. a. Disability . Claim to some. Place. I'm cut. play play play play play play play. Play play play. Play play play play play. Play. Be a way when his Travis got tired in the room we also had me goes bad and boozy and Demi Lovato tell me you love me she will be hosting an interview talk show called pillow talk on an upcoming streaming platform called quippy and in the show she supposed be talking to experts in celebrity guest about a whole wide range of topics like body positivity and gender and social media stuff like that so I'm looking forward to checking it out my name is Nikki strong and this is be a line that heads. Welcome to learning English daily 30 minute program from the Voice of America I must go and I'm Dorothy kindy this program is aimed at English learners so we speak out. A little slower and we use words and phrases as specially written for people learning. Today on the program you will hear stories from Brian Lynn and Jonathan Evans later Dodie Tony Riggs and Frank Oliver bring us the latest in the ongoing American history series Making of a nation but 1st this report. Lou each duck crews awoke in the middle of the night he heard the sounds of loud activity in the Paraguayan prison where he lived later he told police that he saw a group of other prisoners wearing all black clothing we are breaking out are you coming Doc Cruz is 30 years old and a native of Brazil he is in prison for smuggling illegal drugs within minutes he was among 75 prisoners who fled the prison in the early hours of January 19th it was one of the most shocking scapes in Paraguayan history the fleeing prisoners were members of the 1st capital command the group is also known as the p.c.c. The p.c.c. Is Brazil's largest and most powerful criminal organization the escape demonstrates the organization's growing influence in Paraguay. The country's weak institutions have been unable to deal with the p.c.c. And other Brazilian criminal groups that are growing quickly there Cecilia Perez is Paraguayan is justice minister she said officials at the prison in the city of Pedro one couple yetto near the Paraguayan Brazil border knew what the p.c.c. Was planning some even helped the escape effort she said $32.00 prison officials including the jails warden are now under arrest we're facing a security crisis whose epicenter lies in the prison system Perez told the Reuters news agency the Pedro Juan Cubbie aero regional penitentiary did not answer Reuters request for comment 40 of the escapees including dock crews were Brazilians so far officials have recaptured only alive and prisoners they found dead Cruz within days of the escape near the Brazilian town of 2 radish presently and police let a Reuters reporter read the records of what Cruz said about the escape Cruise told police that guards at the Paraguayan prison had helped with the escape he said he was among those who fled through a tunnel that prisoners had dug the tunnel had a fan to bring in fresh air and even electric lights. The tight passage started in a cell holding p.c.c. Members and exited just outside the jails outer wall older prisoners simply walked out the front door this is demonstrates that the p.c.c. Does what it wants when it wants said one or tends he is an education and security researcher based in the capital since. He has studied the p.c.c. Activities in Paraguay the Paraguayan state represents no barrier to its plans he said Paraguayan is one of the world's top producers of the illegal drug marijuana it is also a major transportation point for all the illegal drug cocaine made in the Andes Mountains Transparency International's 2019 Corruption Perceptions Index lists it as the 2nd most corrupt country in South America after Venezuela as a result it has become a desirable operational base for Brazilian criminal organizations This includes the south Paulo based p.c.c. Rio de Janeiro's red command and a Porto Alegre group called Bullet in the face officials say Brazilian criminals operate with little fear of the law here both inside and outside the prison the area around the prison Pedro one Caballero has been called the City of blood. Small planes carrying Bolivian cocaine often touch down on landing areas outside Pedro Juan Caballero Brazilian and Paraguayan officials told Reuters from there they said the drugs move through southern Brazil and on to Europe where demand is high the effects can be seen in the rising number of deaths in bedroll one Caballero gangs fight to control drug transportation pathways officials said Mayor Jose Carlos us a video said there were more than 150 killings last year in the city of 120000 people he said residents live in fear of the gangs the police are completely corrupt said the city's police force which does not report to us the Veda did not answer Reuters requests for comment Pez the justice minister said Paraguayan would work together more with Brazil's right wing government Brazilian leaders are trying to limit the gangs activities by hitting their finances and sending bosses to high security federal prisons Gilberto play tests the Paraguayan criminal investigations chief doubts the chances of success there's no way that anyone can stand up to this he said. The gangs identify your family they coerce your relatives judges prosecutors police. And I'm Pete Musto. A new study suggests some dinosaurs survived periods of strong volcanic activity about 183000000 years ago in what is now South Africa scientists recently described fossil footprints discovered from dinosaurs dating back to the early Jurassic geologic period the footprints were discovered on the present day farm in South Africa's car Rue Basin during the early Jurassic period the area experienced intense volcanic activity including massive lava flows the activity may have caused great harm to the local environment and changed the chemistry of the atmosphere fossils examined from the time provide evidence that the volcanic activity caused mass extinctions of many species both on land and in the oceans because there is often a lack of skeletal bones fossil footprints are sometimes the only evidence that animals were present in an ancient environment the footprints are in sandstone found between layers of volcanic rock. Researchers say the fossils show that the prints belonged to at least 3 different animals that Waqt near the sandy edge of a stream the scientists believe the footprints are proof that some dinosaurs and other animals were able to survive in the area during quieter periods between volcanic explosions geologist Emma's board he is with South Africa's University of Cape Town she calls such animals. Fire walkers they were among the last animals known to have lived through the periods extreme conditions but Board He also noted hot was hot back then too so no they did not walk on the lava already said the footprints were from both meat and plant eating dinosaurs one was a relatively small 2 legged meat eating dinosaur another was a similarly small 4 legged dinosaur that likely ate plants while the 3rd may have been an early mammal species the footprints were found in plant remains and sediment samples from rivers and lakes Bertie said for short time periods the streams were flowing again the sun was shining the plants were growing and the animals among them dinosaurs were grazing and hunting. She added this story helps us change the way we see life in stressful and hostile environments and thus improves our understanding of the history of life on Earth Bora he and other researchers published their findings in The Journal plus one I am Brian Len. Young people now in their mid twenty's to late thirty's grew up during the great recession the worst economic period in the United States since the 19th thirty's many in this group called millennia old experienced a late entrance into the job market or accepted lower paying jobs for which they were overqualified the great recession lasted from 2007 until 2009 but its effects were longer lasting Now observers say the 2020 E.'s might mean a better financial future for millennia holes after their difficult start many millennia old starting out faced high unemployment student loan debt and an encreased cost of living these factors especially affected Melanie olds who completed high school or college during the recession Jason Dorsey is president and a leader millennial researcher at the Center for generational kinetics he told v.o.a. That sense the recession wages in the United States have largely stayed the same. He says so many millennia old started behind where they thought they would be and it's taken them longer to recover if they have recovered experts also say u.s. Millennia olds are the 1st generation to feel the full and Pact of many years of rising inequality in America a recent study found a millennial holes are financially worse off than members of past generations at the same age since 1996 the net worth of people under $35.00 has dropped by more than 34 percent however things could be more hopeful for these younger Americans the average us millennial is now over the age of 30 and ready to enter the wealthy gaining time of their life Dorsey said as millennia olds have had a lot of time to learn about what it takes to succeed he says members of the boomer generation people aged 55 to 75 are going to increasingly leave the workforce he says that is going to create chances for millennia old to actually move up into more management style jobs millennial olds are at the age when Americans traditionally buy homes start saving for the future and invest for their retirement it also will help that many have paid down their student debt now that they have been out of college for a number of years Dorsey adds that many millennia old maybe come to income households and that's also really helpful for many of them. He says Melanie olds are hitting the times when they should start really saving and investing and earning higher incomes relative to their spending. I am Jonathan evidence. Welcome to the making of a nation American history in Vo way special English. After the end of World War One President Woodrow Wilson sought national support for his idea of the League of Nations he took his appeal directly to the American people in the summer of 1919 Tony Riggs and Frank Oliver continue the story of Wilson's campaign the plan for the League of Nations was part of the peace treaty that ended World War one. By law the United States Senate would have to vote on the treaty President Wilson believed the Senate would have to approve it if the American people demanded it so he went to the people for support for almost a month Wilson traveled across America he stopped in many places to speak about the need for the League of Nations he said the league was the only hope for world peace it was the only way to prevent another world war Wilson's health grew worse during the long journey across the country. He became increasingly weak and suffered from severe headaches in Wichita Kansas he had a small stroke a blood vessel burst inside his brain he was forced to return to Washington for a few days President Wilson's condition improved then his wife found him lying unconscious on the floor of his bedroom in the White House Wilson had lost all feeling in the left side of his body he was near death the president's advisors kept his condition secret from almost everyone they told reporters only that Wilson was suffering from a nervous breakdown for the next few days the medical reports from the White House were always the same they said Mr Wilson's condition had not changed people began to wonder where they being told the truth some people began to believe that the president was in fact dead vice president Thomas Marshall was worried if the president died Gore could not govern than he Marshall would become president but even Vice President Marshall could get no information from Wilson's doctors. After several weeks the president seemed to get a little stronger he was still very weak. He could not work except to sign several bills this simple act took most of his strength Wilson's wife Edith guarded her husband closely she alone decided who could see him she alone decided what information he could receive all letters and messages to Woodrow Wilson were given 1st to Edith Wilson and she decided if they were important enough for him to see most she decided were not she also prevented members of the Cabinet and other government officials from communicating with him directly Mrs Wilson's actions made many people suspect that she not her husband was governing the country some spoke of her as the nation's 1st woman president there was one issue Mrs Wilson did discuss with her husband the League of Nations the Senate was completing debate on the Treaty of Versailles that was the World War One peace agreement that contained Wilson's plan for the league it seemed clear the Senate would reject the treaty too many senators feared the United States would lose some of its independence and freedom if it joined the league the leader of Wilson's political party in the Senate the Albert Hitchcock headed the administration campaign to win support for the treaty he received Mrs Wilson's permission to visit her husband. Hitchcock told the president the situation was hopeless he said the Senate would not approve the treaty unless several changes were made to protect American independence if the president accepted the changes then the treaty might pass Wilson refused he would accept no compromise he said the treaty must be approved as written Senator Hitchcock made one more attempt to get Wilson to reconsider on the day the Senate planned to vote on the treaty he went back to the White House he told Mrs Wilson that compromise offered the only hope for success Mrs Wilson went into the president's room while Hitchcock waited she asked her husband Will you not accept the changes and get this thing settled he answered I cannot better a 1000 times to go down fighting than to surrender to dishonorable compromise. A of. The Senate voted Hitchcock's fears proved correct the treaty was defeated the defeat ended Wilson's dream of American membership in the League of Nations Mrs Wilson gave the news to her husband he was silent for a long time then he said I must get well Woodrow Wilson was extremely sick yet he was not the kind of man who accepted da position or defeat easily. From his sick bed he wrote a letter to the other members of the Democratic Party he urged them to continue debate on the League of Nations he said the majority of Americans wanted the treaty approved Wilson probably was correct about this most Americans did approve of membership in the League of Nations but they also wanted to be sure membership would not restrict American independence the Senate Foreign Relations Committee agreed to reopen discussion on the treaty it searched yet again for a compromise it made new efforts to get Wilson to accept some changes but as before Wilson refused he was a proud man and he thought many of the senators were evil men trying to destroy his plan for International Peace Wilson's unwillingness to compromise helped kill the treaty once and for all the Senate finally voted again and the treaty was defeated by 7 votes the treaty was dead the United States would never enter the League of Nations and one of the most emotional and personal stories in the making of the American nation had ended the long battle over the Treaty of Versailles ended with political defeat for Woodrow Wilson. Yet history would prove him correct Wilson had warned time and again during the debate that a terrible war would result if the world did not come together to protect the peace 20 years later war came the 1st World War had been called The War To End All Wars but it was not and the 2nd world war would be far more destructive than the 1st the debate over the Treaty of Versailles was the central issue in American politics during the end of Woodrow Wilson's administration It also played a major part in the presidential election of 1920 Wilson himself could not be a candidate again he was much too sick so the Democratic Party nominated former governor of Ohio James Cox Cox shared Wilson's opinion that the United States should join the League of Nations he campaigned actively for American membership the Republican Party who chose Senator Warren Harding as its candidate for President Harding campaigned by promising a return to what he called normal times he said it was time for America to stop arguing about international events and start thinking about itself again the 2 presidential candidates gave the American people a clear choice in the election of 1920. On one side was Democrat James Cox He represented the dream of Woodrow Wilson in this dream the world would be at peace and America would be a world leader that would fight for the freedom and human rights of people everywhere on the other side was Republican Warren Harding he represented an inward looking America it was an America that felt it had sacrificed enough for other people now it would deal with its own problems. Warren Harding won the election the results of the election shocked and hurt Woodrow Wilson he could not understand why the people had turned from him and his dream of international unity and peace but the fact was that America was entering a new period in its history. For a long time it would turn its energy away from the world beyond its borders. You Tube . And that's our program for today listen again tomorrow to learn English through stories from around the world and find out more stories quizzes and English learning activities including videos and lessons on our website learning English v.o.a. News dot com Thank you for listening to the Voice of America I'm Pete Musto and I'm Dorothy Gandy.

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