itis real lya esblsing r fo him. his het aris atbeing real ly st and he isisisisisis is bill sbcoy is now a free ma n. the comeandi walkedou t of pris aonfter hicos nvictionfo r sealxu assaultch arges was overrntued. s due toa legal suise, not a discoverofy he was lesint alonidgse his te tamhis afrnteoon as they say cosby was vindicat. ed odgo afterno. on ank you for joing inus. your watching abc7ne ws at 00 whererev you restam. t he decionsi bars a retrial for sbcoy. rea en coy sbhad been deedni a fair nl.
eminten danger fm rothe delta a more coagntious strn aiof vid is rapidly seaprding in neighbinorg states. ep rorter: f ornow, the cdc is now cnghaing its guanidce. tbu l.a. cntouy has mov tedo ge everneyo, vaccinate odr no tt,o we marasks indos.or those mkiasng polics ieare ally intdeend to proctte the unvaccinedat. e thvaccinat wede believste ill e safe. repteorr: dtoocrs say ccvainesel hp pteroctga ainst sereve disease, even with tho se rare breakrothugh infeioctns. daisy d anrachelleap clan say they we ervaccinat iedn february but cerently gotic sk with cidov whe ilon vacatn ioout west. he tar pks are so ckpaed with ople. we real dlyidn t abdoann the mask in y anpublic pcelas. that s kind of t mheost baffngli anscd ary part. r eporter:ea hlth experts stssre the risk to vaccinad te peleop is extrelemy low. but dr. fciau tells us, it is nceivabl ie,fou y ve been vaccinat aednd get iecnfted whit thisew n highly tnsramissible delta varit,an even though you ulcod get skic f
loalw student alethtes to make money. i justlw aays ftel that the udstent athlete wsere being exoiplted. ey re the workhorses of a biiolln dollar industry and tyhe dotn get to reap the nebefits. it wilbel a huge rorepter: the ncaa, wchhi generaste huge profits rfo hoscols butit ltle to ncoo nen p gs to players, alsoea dlt a blow by a supre cmeourt rulgin that the organizioatn cannot bar athletes fromec reiving educatn-iorelateden befits. oregon dksuc player prcein has been fightin fgor the rightsf o student atethles. to have this freedom of we canon w do wtha we wantit wh our brands. r eporter:nd a linsey, student atethles will still not be alwelod to accept meyon in exchange for enrommingt a a paicrtular schloo and universiesti will n bote aowlled to giveth aletes a salary. lieyns? alex, thank yo u. and we learned todayha tt former denefse sectarery donald rumsldfe has died. he held the post twe,ic once
oh gmyod. my god. yadi! the olwhe entireui blding is gone. reporr:te she s now suing the ndo assoatciion. -y11ear-old navah lism san iend luc, iaone of alet ast seven ilchdren sti mllissing. luc wiaas alwaysus per ergetic d anloving. she s waa friendo tthe enti, re enreti class. rorepter: lucisa father, mausrc guara, one of t vheictims identifi.ed but lucia,er h mom, an aa,nd unger sierst, emma, e arstill missing. r hefriends pihong for a ft aer this pphaened, itas h brought toa n of my iefrnds and a lot mofy familylo cser togeth,er becauseou yea rlly do veha to cherish every brea,th cause you never knowhe wn it could beou yr last. orr:te and w,noe catching a tpi stsyem as it crnhus in the atlant.ic th heyave requteesd federal help in the eventhe ty need to respd onto a storm, although for w,no one aissstant fire chief with theit cy of my yam me tells meha tt the oecbjtives i to
onwrgdoing,as psing up the oppounrtity for parole, refungsi to partipacite in sex oenffder progmsra. today, the highou crt vacated his convicti,onay singha tt he was a victim of a coerceivai bt andwi stch by prosecuts.or abc s erileel reshef leads us fof with the dramac titurn of events. reporter: nitoght, bill cosby, a free man, bkac home, lereased fro am penylnsvania isonus jt 12 days shy o hfis th birthy.da moments ago,he t comedian speangki to lins beyy phone. nd a nobody hadhe t sense to o y, wait one second, tshi don est matchp u with the truth. this is not what i wasau tghtn t colleg te,his is not what i was taught at ho,me et cetera, et cerate. reporte hr:is 1820 sexual toda byy the penylnsvania ued - supremcoe urt aft aern appeal. stices ruling he should not ha bveeen pserocuted bauecse of aea dl with formed.r a. bruce caorst, that he would not be