onwrgdoing,as psing up the oppounrtity for parole, refungsi to partipacite in sex oenffder progmsra. today, the highou crt vacated his convicti,onay singha tt he was a victim of a coerceivai bt andwi stch by prosecuts.or abc s erileel reshef leads us fof with the dramac titurn of events. reporter: nitoght, bill cosby, a free man, bkac home, lereased fro am penylnsvania isonus jt 12 days shy o hfis th birthy.da moments ago,he t comedian speangki to lins beyy phone. nd a nobody hadhe t sense to o y, wait one second, tshi don est matchp u with the truth. this is not what i wasau tghtn t colleg te,his is not what i was taught at ho,me et cetera, et cerate. reporte hr:is 1820 sexual toda byy the penylnsvania ued - supremcoe urt aft aern appeal. stices ruling he should not ha bveeen pserocuted bauecse of aea dl with formed.r a. bruce caorst, that he would not be
vesere thundsterorm watchesow n from marylan tdo maine. rob marciano timi ingt all out. hi cllinneg wid veo taken just seven minutes borefe the delyad building collaeps in surfside, florida. eth possible clues for investigorats. thdee ath toll siring. d nitoght, a survoriv s unting clal from theig nht of the coapllse. a sisrte telling her brotherhe t enreti buildinisg gone. armlaing news about the codviel dta variant now detecdte in all 50 stesat. e viaarntin lked toor me tnha % of newas ces in thu.e s. th setate now wniarng unccvainated residen ttshey are in imminent danger if tyhe do not get the shot. prosetocurs here in n yework peexcted to file taxra fud charsge againsthe t trump ganizati aonnd its cfo tomorr.ow nathan kl arstandingy. b rmfoer denefse sectarery donald rumelsfd has died. eth man who ovsaerw amera ics wars in iraq and afghisantan. and defeinndg the search f or weonapofs mass derustction that wereev ner found.