what is your stance on that? we will stand with our allies no matter what. and donald trump says he get s his foreign policy advice by watching television, and who are your foreign policy advisers? i have a number of advisers and i don t have permission to release all of the names. but general bob dietz is one of the names that i have permission to release, but i have a number of excellent advisers which will be increasingly apparent as people begin to question me about foreign policy. and can you catch donald trump? he seems to be running a away with this? well, i m not particularly trying to catch anybody. what i am doing is to steadily getting the message out, and connecting with the american people, and they are responding, and you know, last week, we had over 2,000 people in the town center of durango, and 12,000
talk of politicians. i mean, you look at hillary clinton, she s never met a position she can stay consistent on. she puts her finger up in the wind and figures out what she wants to say. people are tired of that. whether he ends up in it for the long haul or not, he s brought sort of this attention to let s just get to the issue, let s stop catering to what the media wants us to say. and let s talk about what s important. what do you make of the fact when he s pressed on something, hee he was on meet the press last week, where do you get foreign policy advice, he goes i watch a bunch of the shows. there was no overlying organizing here. can he skate by forever on make america great again? well, you hope as the republican field narrows that they get more into policy specifics and going through those debates and going forward. in which case he s going to have to buckle down and try and get some real policy initiatives going. he s going to have to consult with experts in the foreign
he is throwing a lot of red meat out to the crowd and they seem to eat it up. nobody is really criticizing him because on foreign policy, trump has the same invincible on other issues people don t spp him to be an expert so they let it slide. from the perspective of a former analyst, he is misrepresenting history. that goes into his views on the military in which he told an interviewer he watches the shows and that is where he gets a lot of his military advice or strategic information. you also reported that many of the other gop candidates kind of dip into the same well for foreign policy experts. are we expecting that well will be opened to donald trump or will he even go to it? we did some reporting on this. donald trump, when asked where he gets his foreign policy advice, he says he gets it from tv and from john bolton.
you know, i watch meet the press to get my foreign policy advice. i think it has to be more organized than that. a group of young policy people. he has enough baggage of his own to deal with in terms of military history. is that a way to make ground? cable news is a great source of information. look, i like that answer just because i think i identify with and understand the kind of people he s talking about. most people, if you trace back the, you know, colin powell, he was a young policy walk working at a low level in campaigns in the white house. there are a lot of people who do that. that is an accepted way in developing american leadership. what bush said was something that is not unusual for the establishment. now, it sounds horrible. for the establishment. exactly. this is, of course, the big question with trump. do we believe in the
controlled by isis forces to cut off the flow of money to isis. but several of our cnn military analysts say that would do more harm than good and that trump they say oversimplifies the situation. the poll shows that americans at least trust him on dealing with isis but can the general public are they ready for donald trump as commander-in-chief? look, when you listen to donald trump tell chuck todd that he gets his foreign policy advice by watching the shows, i think most people don t find that to be all that reassuring. he might be doing well in the polls among republicans on foreign policy but no one has been able to articulate a cogent long term foreign policy plan that would compete with whatever trump has said. you have to remember that the surprising support that trump is getting among republicans is only surprising in the context of current recent republican