listening to dick cheney give you advice on foreign policy, i mean, that is a new that is just a new low. i fear it is. ryan, listen to jay carney taking questions about chuck hagel and benghazi. here he is. what is unfortunate here is the continuing attempt to politicize an issue, in this case through nominees that themselves had nothing to do with benghazi, and to do so in a way that only does harm to our national security interests. so, ryan, just remind me again of what benghazi has to do with chuck hagel s nomination. well, nothing. and sorry, could you repeat that? it s sorry, repeat that, ryan. what does it have what does benghazi have to do with chuck hague snel. absolutely nothing. it s kind of like why would you take foreign policy advice from dick cheney. after the crash of 29, herbert hoover kept coming to republican conventions and giving these big