Mikey Way: “Don’t be so preoccupied with yesterday and tomorrow, because there’s a whole today that you’re gonna miss”
Mikey Way opens up about the importance of staying present, his ambitious new album-and-graphic-novel project with Electric Century, and working with My Chemical Romance bandmate Ray Toro again.
“If this makes someone feel better for even an hour in a day, then I think I did my job,” smiles Mikey Way. “Even if it’s one person that loves it.”
The My Chemical Romance bassist is currently unpacking the wonderful self-titled second record from his side-project with Sleep Station’s David Debiak, Electric Century. Released alongside an accompanying graphic novel and a whole new world for fans to dive in to, Mikey is aware that his latest ambitious undertaking could serve as a welcome break from the strange times we’re all living in right now… not that it was initially planned that way. That’s simply how Electric Century have al