[national anthem] [national anthem] rachel: good morning, everybody. it s 6:00 a.m. is that too loud? will: you came out of the gates hot. [laughter] rachel: just trying to bring some energy in the here. it s 6:00. a little cold outside, but it s nice and toasty in here. good to see you. i saw will coming up on what i thought was a good health habit, he was eating a baa manna, but then i found out he was drinking last night, so concern. [laughter] pete: yeah. will has, not that you re going on the able to geolocate his hotel, but he has a fancy new piano bar in the lobby of his hotel. which sounds awesome. will: when i old you about it told you about it, i didn t think be into it. rachel: sounds very billy joel. pete: i can go both ways. [laughter] rachel: he s business in the front and party in the back. pete: piano in the front, nascar in the back. boom. let s do it. will: you wake up on a sunday morning, you start your day off healthy with a banana, you get your
the the bachelor, and you and your husband have been very outspoken about your religious beliefs. that s come with some criticism. how do you handle being open, public about your relationship with jesus and the criticism that comes in a culture like today? you know, i think for me i never really, i never really listen to what other people have to say. and for me, i consider it a joy just to count myself as a follower of jesus and whether people accept it, it doesn t matter to me. [laughter] and i think we re, it talks about in scripture, like, we should consider it a joy, suffering for the gospel and suffering for his name. so whether that s suffering on a large scale on something like television or on social media or suffering, you know, around you in your work space or in your family, we should consider it a joy to be able to suffer for his name. and so for me, i just consider it as a compliment that no matter what people are hearing
and seeing it come to pass and getting to witness it and be a part of it in such of a small way is unbelievable, and it inspire fires me up for this generation. pete: we cover so many cardiac and difficult things on this dark and difficult things on this program. is it because when things get dark, the light gets brighter? what s the reason in. you know, i honestly think it goes back to that verse in second chronicles where it talks about if my people will humble themselves to pray and seek my face, i will reveal myself, i heal their land. i think you re seeing young people hungry. they ve been searching for so long for something to satisfy, and i think we re coming to the realization that jesus is the only one that can satisfy. and so you re seeing young people just seeking him, praying for him, fasting, humbling themselves, and god s showing up and he s moving. pete: boy, isn t that the truth? very well said. well, you ve got you were on