in fact, in nine months we have done more, they say, then any president in history, and there is more to come. we have statutory guidelines, we have to go by a period of time, but there is much more to come. and i believe in regulation, but has to be limited to what we need. we want clean water, we want clean air, it has to be fair. we also want, by the way, jobs. [applause] president trump: and our regulatory reductions are going to put more americans back to work and more lobbyists out of work. i don t know, there could be some lobbyist in this room, sorry. which is why regulatory reform is a crucial part of our drive to drain the swamp. on the economic front, we are upholding the legacy of america s greatest presidents, from washington to jackson, to
he has done it to small communities in pennsylvania. tonight speaking to the heritage foundation, trying to rally their support, and their outreach as much as they can to support this bill as well. he was criticized for not doing this with health care, and he is definitely out there trying to make this happen for tax reform. joining me now marc theissen, former speechwriter for president george w. bush and karl rove back with us, both are fox news contributor s. gentlemen, when we start with you, carl. what did you think? it took him a while to get there. we had the conservative principles and a big dose of america first nationalism. i thought it was good. he hit the main points, cut the corporate tax rate to 20%. one point he didn t make that he needs to make, the people who pay the corporate tax rate are primarily the workers in the form of lower wages and smaller benefits and secondarily, the consumers were buying the goods or services of the company. when we cut the corporate tax
fill his will the employees of the company. a colleague of mine said taxes are paid by those who can t escape them. actually it s called the immobile factor of production and economics. workers can t escape the fact that their companies are getting taxed. then you talk about repatriation, the idea think about it, we are the only major industrialized country in the world that taxes foreign companies headquartered in it. if you are a german company that sells something to the united states, take it home and don t pay tax there. american companies tell something at a profit in germany, you get taxed in germany and then you get taxed again in the united states. having one of the largest, the highest corporate tax rates of any industrialized country. the president misspoke a little bit, we are bringing it down into just below the middle of the industrialized countries. there are lots of countries that are below us, korea, denmark, others that are below us. then making it into a
a people and as a nation. everyone here tonight is united by the same enduring beliefs. we believe that the constitution is the greatest political document in human history, and that judges should interpret the constitution as written. [cheers and applause] president trump: we believe we should preserve our history, not tear it down. now they are even trying to destroy statues of christopher columbus. what s next? has to be stopped, its heritage. we believe that america is a nation of opportunity because we are a nation of laws and we support the incredible men and women of law enforcement.
president trump: in addition to simplification, the other pillar of our tax plan is reducing our crushing business tax so that we can restore america s competitive edge. today our business tax rate is 60% higher than our average economic competitor. this is a giant, self-inflicted economic wound. that is why we will cut the corporate tax rate from 35% all the way down to not more than 20%, way below our average competition out there in this very competitive world. [applause] president trump: and for small businesses that file taxes as sole proprietors, as corporations, partnerships, we will cap the top tax rate and a maximum of 25%. [applause]