it calls into question why china, the prc feel that it is okay to violate sovereign airspace of nations in a way that is inappropriate andna unacceptableto. wisconsin senator ron johnson on the attacks and joe biden ssb rdthen the communist party ableo record images and audio from installations in america for a week. the chairman of the foreignca affairs committee on the impact and on the u.s. components used to build that spy fly. plus jim banks, member of the c houshie armed services and the select committee on china. changes to america s trade on china to come. plus, covering up for the biden family influence peddling. where ar fe throe democrats on e dangerous commie asians from china. democrats mock at this. refusing to investigate with the number one adversary.ce s, it is just an abuse of pubc resources and time. we could be talking about healthcare. bringing down the cost ofin prescription drugs. civil rights, voting rights. instead we are talking abou
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i talked you to them. i talked to xi jinping befors and our team talks to their people. join me now on all of this. ron johnson who sits on thet securityan. senator, thank you very much foe being here this morning. i k good morning, maria.ti i knowon that you are briefed ot the situation. without asking you to break anyr secrets in terms of what you know, can you give us your sense on why they were able to flow b throughout the continentalec united states over an important military installation? because they see as well as t sense weakness in america right now. he is detached from reality.en he is delusional. he denies that our southern
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