out first thing in the morning barely awake and run into your ex. it s a little awkward. you deal with it. they weren t alone. as the economy soured many couples opted to put divorces on hold. now the american academy of matrimonial lawyers finds after several years of declining cases the numbers increase has the economy improves. in new york famed divorce attorney raul felder has even an uptick. it s better but not great. the old lawyer joke used to be my brother orrs everybody money and everything. now is the time to settle for divorce. that s really why it doesn t happen. you wait until somebody has money. the housing market has changed divorce battles. in florida one of the state s hardest hit by plummeting home values, one divorce attorney tells us instead of fighting to
congress can t make us buy something we don t want. that s the arguments of the plaintiffs. the justice department, of course, defended this and said it s all the economy and congress can regulate the economy under the interstate commerce clause. so it s going forward with those two particulars, they threw out it s interesting, the judge referred to the democrats argument as alice in wonderland as one point where, you know, they want it both ways. what s the difference between what happened here and what happened with that case in michigan where the judge there essentially wrote an opinion on the back of a napkin and it was about that long. right. this is a very scholarly opinion written the florida one. thank you. written by a very well respected judge. no disrespect to the judge in michigan. it was a very brief cursory opinion that basically said congress can regulate anything that affects interstate congress. even one person deciding not to buy health care which wouldn
the worst singer ever. the artist saying i m going to be working with you. and i m saying no, no you re not. you don t want to work with me singing. the one good thing that s come out of this is now everybody can actually say my name. before everybody always said justin bieber. the other justin bieber, i mean, you know, the florida one, he s changed his number but the fans found it. they put it on a website. and he s also been pushed off facebook for having a fake name. and he s probably thinking, wait, it was mine first. until this 16-year-old comes along. in ocala, florida, some folks are complaining about a fence company s sign, complaining that it crosses the line. for the past 17 years the owner of hercules fence company has put up this new sign every weekend. this time it reads, breast inspection, 20 feet ahead, please have em out. gotta love them rednecks. i don t understand the last line at all. but one employee says the sign is just meant to provoke thought. and i did. i th
are in the worst shape, number one, in nevada, where one in 84 homes is in foreclosure, florida one in 155 homes are in foreclosure. and arizona one in 165 homes from in some stage of foreclosure. we take a look at what states are responsible for all the homes that are in foreclosure, california with just their sheer size, 20% of the homes there, 17 in florida, michigan, illinois, arizona. and i m in ft. lauderdale, if we take a look at the issue here, one in 111. this home when it was built was selling by the builder for $700,000. they re asking 380,000 zlrz. the 3wir8d built 70 homes in this area, 60% of them are in foreclosure. it s just really troublesome numbers. but kerry, the issue was, if you look at these states, it s not hard to realize, these are people that were probably trying
so he s not calling for him to be fired. there is an inherent contradiction. what they re saying is this is a hox. this is fake. well, if it s a hoax and fake, he should be fired, right? but they re not saying. that they re saying we re not going to fire them. at the same time, it s a hoax and a fake. they re engage income a campaign. what i found interesting about representative rooney, he lives in naples, where do law enforcement go to retire? they go to florida one, naples, ft. meyers, i imagine he will get an earful. elise, we talked about congress, the president. there is a conservative media helping fuel this. you put all those empties together, there is clearly a push, whether it s to get donald trump to a place where he can fire bob mueller or to undermine whatever the outcome of the mueller investigation is, there is definitely a concerted strategy here. this has been the, you know, since the first indictments came out. i was in wisconsin and i was doing focus groups for l