Commission. President diamond here. Commission Vice President moore here. Commissioner braun here. Commissioner imperiale here. Commissioner koppell here. And commissioner williams here. Commissioners, first on your agenda is consideration of items proposed for continuance. Items one, a and b for case numbers 2022. Hyphen 00979 for drp and var for the property at 1153 guerrero street. Discretionary review and variance are proposed for continuance to may 2nd, 2024. Item two, case number 2023 hyphen 007496 drp at 638 rhode island street. A discretionary review is proposed for continuance to may 9th, 2024, and item three, case number 2022. Hyphen 006831dm at 619 marina boulevard, a staff initiated discretionary review has been withdrawn. I have no other items proposed to be continued, so we should take Public Comment only on the matter of continuance, members of the public, this is your opportunity to, speak to any of these continuances. Please come forward. Seeing no request to speak Pub
Exceptions that makes the the denial of the permit by planning there are two other exceptions. One would be they wait a year, and two is that they resubmit a revised project. Right. Besides the fact that the Planning Commission excuse me, the board of appeals can review that particular permit, should it be appealed. That is correct. The Property Owners have the option right now with the existing Building Permit, which as mentioned has not yet been forally denied by the Planning Department or by the department of building inspection, and the reason is because they have options with what they can do with that permit, and they are basically going through the process to help determine how they want to explore those options. One of the options they would have is to amend that permit in a way that would amend it so significantly that it would be considered perthe charter, a different project. If they did not want to do that, they would have to wait if the project was effectively and ultimate
Good evening again president honda, commissioners, cory teague from Planning Department staff. Id like to begin with some Procedural Department background. The subject property at 2523 steiner street is located within the rh 1 Zoning District and a 40 x height and bulk district. The proposal is to expand the existing third and fourth story of the existing singlefamily home into the required rear yard. Based on the design feedback from the Planning Departments residential Design Planning team, the Planning Department revised such that the planned structure encroached into the rear yard approximately 93 into the ground floor. The proposed addition variance was heard at a joint hearing with the Planning Commission on june 15, 2017 where they also held a hearing for discretionary review. So summarize the comments, the acting Zoning Administrator stating that can be challenging to make a required finding that the project would not be injurous to the project in the vicinity however the subje
The denial of the permit by planning there are two other exceptions. One would be they wait a year, and two is that they resubmit a revised project. Right. Besides the fact that the Planning Commission excuse me, the board of appeals can review that particular permit, should it be appealed. That is correct. The Property Owners have the option right now with the existing Building Permit, which as mentioned has not yet been forally denied by the Planning Department or by the department of building inspection, and the reason is because they have options with what they can do with that permit, and they are basically going through the process to help determine how they want to explore those options. One of the options they would have is to amend that permit in a way that would amend it so significantly that it would be considered perthe charter, a different project. If they did not want to do that, they would have to wait if the project was effectively and ultimately disapproved, they would
The appellant it was agreed that there was some inconsistencies particularly heights and some which dont really relate to the conditions of approval but other rendering were generally accurate with the conditions of approval. Due to time limitations i will conclude my presentation there and present for information at rebuttal. Mr. Teague. Yeah. I think there were two other exceptions that makes the the denial of the permit by planning there are two other exceptions. One would be they wait a year, and two is that they resubmit a revised project. Right. Besides the fact that the Planning Commission excuse me, the board of appeals can review that particular permit, should it be appealed. That is correct. The Property Owners have the option right now with the existing Building Permit, which as mentioned has not yet been forally denied by the Planning Department or by the department of building inspection, and the reason is because they have options with what they can do with that permit, a