Sony Music announce seven recipients for UK Social Justice Fund
Small Green Shoots - Sony Social Justice Fund
SONY MUSIC UK announced seven new organisations that will receive funding from its UK Social Justice Fund, part of the global Sony Music Group commitment to support anti-racist initiatives and educational opportunities in under-served communities.
Grantees funded in this round tackle a range of social justice issues, from broadening access to educationand skills, to improving representation, to providing holistic support for people of colour.
Programmes range from widening access to music studios for young people nationwide with Pirate Studios, to providing career opportunities through tailored music industry apprenticeships with Small Green Shoots, to an initiative led by broadcaster and DJ Jaguar Bingham to improve gender diversity and representation in dance music.
at 7:00AM
Grantees funded in this round tackle a range of social justice issues, from broadening access to education and skills, to improving representation, to providing holistic support for people of colour.
Programmes range from widening access to music studios for young people nationwide with Pirate Studios, to providing career opportunities through tailored music industry apprenticeships with Small Green Shoots (pictured), to an initiative led by broadcaster and DJ Jaguar Bingham to improve gender diversity and representation in dance music.
On criminal justice reform, grantees include the Irene Taylor Trust Sounding Out programme, targeting rehabilitation through music, and StopWatch’s Rights And Wellbeing initiative that supports families dealing with the impacts of ‘stop and search’ policies.