The following article, NYT Publishes Cringeworthy Anti-God Piece for Passover, was first published on Flag And Cross. Print media, at least what’s left of it these days, has long demanded a sort of reverence that they perhaps hadn’t truly earned. You see, they’ve equated their antiquated output with “quality”, the same way that folks love| USSA News
The following article, Nuclear Device Goes Missing in Pennsylvania, was first published on Flag And Cross. Amid the chaos of the world at large, with World War III taking shape in Europe and even more trouble rising further east, Americans have been a little on edge of late. This is a strange time in world history,| USSA News
The following article, Cackling Kamala Harris Is Asked What Administration Is Doing to Fight Inflation, Listen to Her Jaw-Dropping Response, was first published on Flag And Cross. Vice President Cackling Kamala Harris visited the city of Brotherly Love on Tuesday to address members of the Sheet Metal Workers Association and to meet with union leaders. Earlier that| USSA News
The following article, Tony Dungy Responds to Critics Mad He Backed DeSantis’ Fatherhood Bill: ‘Obama Said the Same Things Almost Verbatim’, was first published on Flag And Cross. NFL legend Tony Dungy, who as a star player and coach exuded class and dedication, on Wednesday deflated critics who attacked him for appearing with Florida Gov.| USSA News
The following article, Suspected Serial Rapist Finally Arrested After Months-Long Spree, was first published on Flag And Cross. A 20-year-old man has been arrested in connection with a series of rapes in the area of West Springfield, Massachusetts. Ali Ghaffar has been arrested in connection with multiple rapes from June 2021 through March, Hampden District| USSA News