on fixedmiddle c income.e most, they re getting hurt the most, aren t they ? s claimple, the democrat to have the most compassion fory ? exactly. when t and of course, when this began, we tried. ew you tried fox news tried tod to explain that, in fact, inflame and what s attacks on people that it was going to take your money and redistribute ito in a certain way. you were going to be gettinglesr less for the little bit of money that you had. and this, of course, is after and during and after a pandemic . just as one example,pa a verndef basic staple for everyone.or some are up 60% eggs, something that you could serve everyone in your family, that your kids like, that you could havebr breakfast for dinner, something veryeakf. basic like that is that we are used to that is healthy, that this kind of dynamic, itthk creates a shock from everyone. yes, certainly the financiale fa marginalized, which oft impact the first impacted, but to
0 her nail. ne salon and pick the crops. do they think they issue get out of jail free card on racism at the voting booth? as long as you vote democrat? yes, they do think that that s exactly what they thinkal . i don t forget, i llwith be with you again first thing tomorrow morning. foin first x friends weekend.f yo and if you will , i d love it if you check out the will cain podcast, go download it at fox news podcast. .com tucker will be back next. h and welcome to hannity. all right.ork tonight, chaos icrimn new york w criminals now are roaming the streets. we have disturbing new video that shows a violent felon fel brutally assaulting this woman . we showed you earlier in the week a random attack on a subway platforn m near the airport. the attacker previously beat his own grandmothee r to death, was out on parole for a variety of other crimes. beat woman, the victim, i can t believe after that beating she was able to get up. now, she may permanentlyanenl lose visioy n in