A Delhi court, hearing the land-for-job scam case, on Monday granted permission to Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav, a case accused. to travel abroad on an official visit.
The National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) has set aside a penalty of Rs 38.05 crore imposed by the Competition Commission of India (CCI) on 18 sugar mills and two trade associations. The penalty was related to bid rigging in a joint tender for ethanol procurement. The NCLAT ruled that the CCI s order was illegal and did not comply with the principles of natural justice.
Unclaimed bank FDs: Two effective methods to go looking for them are contacting your bank and using the Unclaimed Deposits Gateway to Access InforMation (UDGAM) website.
Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez has been given permission by a Delhi court to travel to San Francisco, USA, for work, from August 7 to August 23. The actress must submit a Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) worth Rs One crore, along with her travel itinerary and details of her place of stay during her visit.