under your pillow, what are your thoughts? 50 under your pillow, what are your thoughts? under your pillow, what are our thou~hts? ., , your thoughts? so we have been on day two. your thoughts? so we have been on day two, today, your thoughts? so we have been on day two, today, thursday, . your thoughts? so we have been on day two, today, thursday, of| on day two, today, thursday, of the budget. the big picture thing is that some of the think tanks, westminster s brains beyond government have been crunching through it and they have concluded what many a newscaster will know as the kind of bleeding obvious really, but they presented in the spreadsheet and the rest of it, which is that times are really tough people, that wages are squeezed, living standards are squeezed, living standards are squeezed, living standards are squeezed, that household income is squeezed and will be for a while, that the tax burden is the highest it has beenin burden is the highest it has been i
last september there needs to be a last september there needs to be a fix last september there needs to be a fix for doctors so they work be a fix for doctors so they work more over time and they don t work more over time and they don t retire so early because of the don t retire so early because of the punitive pension charges. of the punitive pension charges of the punitive pension charaes. ., , ., charges. so doctors could have better pensions charges. so doctors could have better pensions or charges. so doctors could have better pensions or better- charges. so doctors could have better pensions or better tax i better pensions or better tax treatment for their pensions than everyone else? that would be ok? ~ , ., ., , than everyone else? that would be one ,., ., , be ok? well, there is already a fix forjudges. be ok? well, there is already a fix forjudges, so be ok? well, there is already a fix forjudges, so this fix forjudges, so this wouldn t be just unique a