On Tuesday, the BJP declared its first list of 189 candidates for the polls. The list included 52 new faces. At least nine legislators, including ministers Angara (Sullia constituency) and Anand Singh (Vijayanagara), have not been fielded for the May 10 polls. Karnataka Assembly Election 2023: BJP Veteran Jagadish Shettar Meets Party President JP Nadda, Likely To Be Fielded in Upcoming Polls.
Bharatiya Janata Party on Tuesday declared 189 candidates for Karnataka assembly polls as it sought to strike a balance in terms of representation of various castes and communities while putting up "strong candidates" against senior Congress leaders.
The Congress has released its first list of 124 candidates for the Karnataka Assembly polls fielding Opposition leader Siddaramaiah from Varuna constituency and retaining most of the old faces. In the next four days, the second list will also be finalised.
Delhi MCD Election 2022: As per the list of the BJP, nine former city mayors and 52 former councilors have been fielded among the prominent candidates for the upcoming civic polls.