can you tell whether it came from the president? i will not answer that. will you defy that the threats came from the president? ly not confirm or deny. the brief came from the white house meeting as you might imagine with phil ruker leading things off with this question. attorney for the porn star stormy daniels said this morning on a television interview that she was physically threatened to stay silent about that. i m wondering if you talked with the president about that. if he knows who might have threatened her and more generally is he concerned about women being threatened in that way. obviously we take the safety and security over any person seriously. certainly would condemn anyone threatening any individual but i have no knowledge of that situation and would refer you to the president s outside personal attorneys. all right. so our panelist remain with us. jeff bennet. jeff zavala, joyce vance, and
additionally tonight we have a major development on the stormy daniels front as the president s lawyers have come out with an all-out attack looking for $20 million from the porn star, a first for a sitting president. but first, the dismissal tonight of andrew mccabe. it is very clear tonight he is not taking this dismissal lightly, nor is he going quietly. in a statement he says here in part, for the last year and a half my family and i have been the targets of a unrelenting assault on my reputation and my service to this country. articles too numerous to count have led of any false agriculturals against us. the president s tweets has afternoon tied it all. he called for my firing and striped of my pension after 25 years of service. and all along we said nothing,
against russian attacks and to stand side by side with a critical ally when russia attacks that ally. we have to heed his warning tonight. we ll have to put our thoughtful conversation off until 2019 but for now what have we just witnessed today in this administration and how it differs from any known norms? well, it does differ from any known norm. on general mccakacaffreccaffrey jim baker said if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck and swims like it duck, it just might be a duck. at some point, common sense kicks in with the president and his relationship with putin. the one thing that i think links the stories, russia, director
stress, chaos, lack of cohesion and the staff, kind of this goolish game going on wondering who s going to be next. the staff is anxious. the white house tried to push back on stories today that more departures were coming. there was a lot of speculation that there was be firings or exits in some fashions today. we didn t see that in the west wing during the day. but, what i hear from people inside is that you know, people are looking over their shoulders. people wonder who s going to be out of there next. i know the junger staffers, the junior staffers were rattled this work by the president s personal assistant being removed from his job. so people at different levels seem to be joking instead of a way about whose going next. identify had the good fortune
attorney general had to fire andy mccabe tonight on a friday night at 10:00 at night. in fact, this whole idea that this firing was done this late on a friday night makes it look very rushed, very politicized. it might have been wiser for the attorney general simply to let the time clock run out to avoid making the justice department look like a place where the president can go to condemn his political opponents. it s a dooply troubling development. jeremy barber if you need more proof we re in differing time, the story after we conclude this is a sitting president woez lawyer is trying to get $20 million out of a porn star. we ll put that out as the background. before i show you this on the screen, think about the kpasz time that the mccabe family had around their tree and in their house, because on december 23rd,