Young people urged not to use skatepark risk fines People are urged not to use the skatepark in Warminster following reports of repeated breaches in Covid-19 guidance. At last night’s full town council meeting, Sergeant Kevin Harmsworth said Wiltshire Police had been out over the last weekend to the breaches and warned young people and their parents against using the skatepark. Sergeant Harmsworth said that under lockdown 3, Wiltshire Police believes that people have had enough time to absorb lockdown rules. He said when someone breaks the rules their name is added to a list and should they breach those rules again the police will move to issue fines or arrest rulebreakers.
Examining the Evidence: Can COVID-19 Affect Fertility? Can It Affect the Fetus?
Appeared in BioNews 1077
While the COVID-19 pandemic has been sweeping through the world, people have tried to carry on with their lives as much as possible. For many people this includes expanding their families, or undergoing fertility treatment. The second session at the Progress Educational Trust conference Fertility, Genomics and COVID-19 , chaired by Fiona Fox, chief executive of the Science Media Centre, cast an expert look at whether COVID-19 affects fertility, and the health of a developing fetus.
The first speaker was Allan Pacey, professor of andrology at the University of Sheffield. He outlined what he considered to be a plausible hypothesis of how COVID-19 might impact male fertility. The virus responsible for the pandemic, SARS-CoV-2, enters human cells through a structure known as the ACE2 receptor. ACE2 receptors are concentrated in certain cell types, tissues, and organs of the body.
By Rob Brown2020-12-18T00:01:00+00:00
Source :Unsplash
Amid all the huge stories of 2020, it might be easy to dismiss as trivial the news of a dietary landmark. That is, for the first time, Brits have spent more money on rice, noodles and pasta than they’ve spent on fresh potatoes.
That the spud is no longer king of carbs is a milestone that matters. Because the move towards other options marks the culmination of the trend towards convenient and exotic food. And it also shows an abrupt swing from fresh produce to store cupboard items, driven by the pandemic.
By Megan Tatum2020-12-18T00:01:00+00:00
We teamed up with Nielsen to review the performance of the leading brands, and own label, in 108 categories, from alcoholic drinks to tobacco, via condoms, bleach, ready meals and, of course, toilet paper
To see the performance of the brands and own-label in a specific category, select it from the drop down menu at the top of the page, or from the list at the bottom.
There’s a long story and a short. The short story for UK grocery in the past year is one of unprecedented growth. Overall retail sales of fmcg grew by £9bn or 8% [Nielsen 52 w/e 28 November 2020], with 78% of the 108 sectors tracked in The Grocer’s Top Products Survey recording value growth. In fact, more than a third (36%) saw double-digit growth this year, as food and drink shifted from out of home to take-home.
Cllr Dennis Brett tries out the new Mean Green Mower being purchased for Warminster TOWN councillors in Warminster have voted unanimously to buy a ride on lawn-mower costing just over £31,000 including VAT. They decided to purchase the Mean Green Mower at an extraordinary full council meeting online on Monday evening. Town clerk Fiona Fox said the purchase would be paid for after April 1 from next year s budget. The most expensive machine was preferred over five other rivals made by John Deere, Kubota and Ransomes, some of which would cost significantly less. Members of the council’s parks and recreation committee had previously held a lengthy debate about buying the battery-powered lawn-mower at their meeting on November 23.