The original Little Mermaid came out in 1989. Art is reflected by its current society. It is now 2023. Why is there so much surprise at the change? Why is there so much controversy? Why are we all acting like frown-locked adults lined up against another slippery slope argument? Picture your niece and nephew or your child watching the characters they love come to life on a humongous screen. Ask them what they thought of the movie when it ends, and listen. Dare to become a kid again yourself. Because, when it comes to the socio-political controversy of American media, sometimes it’s better to be “unda da sea.”
Freddy Krueger actor Robert Englund has an idea for a new "Nightmare on Elm Street" that won't require him to wear the makeup, and reflects on his career as documentary "Hollywood Dreams & Nightmares" premieres June 6.