Tamil Nadu Minister for Finance Palanivel Thiagarajan has said that the central government hatched "populist measures and one-size-fits-all schemes without debate and this could cause real damage". He even indicated that such a situation could plunge India into an economic crisis just like Sri Lanka.
Australia based company, AdzGuru in collaboration with Indian Economic Trade Organization, Asian-African Chamber of Commerce and Industry, India Pacific Islands
Australia based company, AdzGuru in collaboration with Indian Economic Trade Organization, Asian-African Chamber of Commerce and Industry, India Pacific Islands Trade Council and World Peace and Diplomacy Organization, organized Papua New Guinea Trade Investment Summit alongside the launching of PNG coffee in India.
Get latest articles and stories on Business at LatestLY. Australia based company, AdzGuru in collaboration with Indian Economic Trade Organization, Asian-African Chamber of Commerce and Industry, India Pacific Islands Trade Council and World Peace and Diplomacy Organization, organized Papua New Guinea Trade Investment Summit alongside the launching of PNG coffee in India. Business News | TN Minister Palanivel Thiagarajan Launches PNG Coffee in India; AdzGuru Connects Businesses of India, Papua New Guinea.
Australia based company, AdzGuru in collaboration with Indian Economic Trade Organization, Asian-African Chamber of Commerce and Industry, India Pacific Islands