Decided that nordstrom might be swedish forthat b stuff roll the crowd ransacked the shop, stealing 100 grand worth of designer goods. Wait a minute. This is not the right video. Thats chicago from last chicag thats the mob that looted a 7eleven. I didnt think nordstrom sold beef jerky. Can we roll the right one, ahe please . Go ahead. Alt. Condd. So in l. A. Last week, 50. Wait a second. Thats notthats n l l. A. Eithe. Thats philly. Thats hundred kids took a wawa apart. Thats the last time i i. You guys smoke weed at the Production Meeting . Lets try it again. So, out in california, for gods sake, whos working the video today . Kill me. Thatstoday . California. But its from glendale. Last week, when a Mob Lootedrant 300 Grand from an eu saintm laurent store. Laur all right, all right. Theres nordstroenm. Thoug that was long. By now, though, you doyo get thl point. I mean, this video looks soliar familiar. Hunter biden should hit on it. Another mob, another ransacking. The only differe
express, but blaming the oppressor is, as always, our all whites means one cannot or won t accept them as worthywo of imitation. you miss which is sad because boy, docele you miss out on the excellence of individuals. but if you only use the group filter o ontf the versus oppress you can t see individualees and how they act and achieve. which makes it impossible t to imitate their good behavior where there still be injustices. of course. and that, but you don t let itel own you. insteae tod use all the toolswh you learned, the things you imitate from others who were successful to reachw ji success. i guarantee right now jimmy kimmelmmel is is watching a rerun of my last show forho the 58th time and asking how, though, is this dwarf doing itpe ? that s imitation. ] but it s only the media academics who assume that c