Filmmaker Anubhav Sinha, who is known for films such as 'Mulk', 'Article 15' and 'Thappad', recently met fellow filmmakers Anurag Kashyap, Sudhir Mishra, Hansal Mehta, Subhash Kapoor and Ketan Mehta over lunch and a few drinks.The director took .
Filmmaker Anubhav Sinha, who is known for films like 'Article 15', 'Mulk' and 'Thappad', has called actor Manoj Pahwa his 'main man' on the occasion of the latter's birthday on Thursday.The director took to his Instagram on Thursday to share an .
Filmmaker Anubhav Sinha is all the praises for actor Rajkummar Rao and his forthcoming release HIT- The First Case. Anuabhv Sinha was interacting with NewsHelpline at the special screening of HIT- The First Case in Mumbai.