Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Justice Prathiba M Singh directed the film producer to prepare an audio description, close captioning, and subtitles within two weeks and submit it to the Central Board of Film Certification for a decision on re-certification by February 20. India News | Delhi HC Asks Yashraj Films to Prepare Audio Description, Subtitles of Movie Pathhan for Persons with Visual-hearing Impairment.
Director Sudhanshu Saria's upcoming film 'Sanaa' starring Radhika Madan has been invited to have its world premiere at the 26th Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival.The annual festival, one of the largest in Northern Europe, will be held from .
Chennai, Oct 21 (IANS) Director Sudhanshu Saria's upcoming film 'Sanaa' starring Radhika Madan has been invited to have its world premiere at the 26th Tallinn
Uniindia: New Delhi, Oct 21 (UNI) Director Sudhanshu Saria s upcoming film ‘Sanaa’, starring Radhika Madan has been invited to have its World Premiere at the 26th Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival.