The upcoming documentary film "Amateurs" provides an intimate portrayal of Ukraine's civilian uprising against Russian invaders, capturing the raw and emotional journey of over 100,000 individuals who joined the Territorial Defense Forces after February 24, 2022.
Hollywood's twin strikes translated into a "lost year" of production for much of the industry with productions idle since last spring. SAG-AFTRA's strike against major media companies stretched 118 days.
ioc crew in new mexico. rust is the name of the movie, and what she s referencing is the labor action by the labor intelligent vision union, there are threatening a massive strike in hollywood, the biggest race since world war ii, over among other things but they saw is inadequate workplace safety for film crew members. we still don t know if i at sea is going to go on strike that labor action is sort of pending. they re still waiting to see if they should accept the terms that they ve got from labor unions this week. it has a whole new cast, halyna hutchins died on the set of a movie after a prop gun that shouldn t have been able to kill anybody fired a projectile of some kind the shot and killed her including a walk off by some iatse members as recently as
this was a picture that halyna hutchins posted to her instagram account last week. it is a picture of the cast of the movie rust and it is captioned, standing in solidarity with our crew here in new mexico on rust. again, rust was the name of the movie. when she is referencing solidarity was the labor action by the film and television workers union who were at the time threatening a massive strike in hollywood, the biggest strike since world war ii among over among other things what they saw as inadequate workplace safety for film crew members. we still don t know if they are going to go on strike, that labor action is sort of still pending while its members decide whether or not they re going to vote to accept new terms they received from studios last week.
the film s producers did not have permission to film on that railway. the director, executive producer charged with involuntary manslaughter and criminal trespass. jones death has absolutely value galvanized film crew members to fight for better conditions. you probably saw the hash tag, slates for sarah. what everyone is talking about. the string of unseemingly revelations about this father out of georgia, justin ross harris, this web developer, accused of leaving his 22-month-old toddler to die inside of this sweltering hot car back in june. so the bombshells that kept dropping, we re not just about this father here, but about his wife, the mother, on the left side of your screen. this is leanna harris. i want you to listen to the cobb county police investigator who testified yesterday about what happened when leanna went to pick up cooper, thinking he was at daycare. thinking her husband had dropped him off and discovers he wasn t