through strength? you bet we do. that means you don t impose these devastating cuts on our military. devastating cuts on our military. when paul ryan last night condemned those defense cuts as some nefarious democratic idea that he is fighting valiantly against, he did not mention that he voted in favor of those exact same defense cuts. also on the issue of medicare, i mean, maybe it s been said enough now that it doesn t need to be said every time, but once again at the debate paul ryan pounded his chest and criticized democrats for a change in medicare funding that he s denouncing on the campaign trail. last night as a $716 billion cut to medicare. well, that s a cut to medicare that he put in his own paul ryan budget. you can be before that thing or against that thing but cannot simultaneously be for that thing and against that thing not if we re supposed to take you seriously on policy which is supposedly the whole idea of you. which brings us to the issue of the stimulus. today