arming the kurds directly would enrage the iraqi and turkish governments, both allies. these are judgment can you tell us calls, not no brainers. it s not the same as fighting radical islam. strangely, after the g.o.p. candidates boldly and correctly described the enemy as an ideology which is much broader than one group, they spoke almost entirely about fighting that one group. even if isis were defeated tomorrow, would that stop the next lone wolf jihadry in new york or paris or london? the enemy is in fact radical islam, an ideology that has spread over the last four decades for a variety of reasons and now infects men and women across the muslim world. the fight must at its core be against the ideology itself, and that can only be done by
bombing, no fly zones and arming the kurds. these are modest additions to obama s current streategy, each with its own problems. more bombing has proved hard and no fly zones would do almost nothing to stop the violence, which is all conducted on land and some of it by helicopters flying low enough they are not covered by a no fly zone. arming the kurds directly would inflame allies, these are judgment calls not no brainers. most important, fighting this terrorist group is not the same as fighting radical islam. strangely, after the gop candidates boldly and actually correctly described the enemy as an ideology, which is much broader than one group, they spoke almost entirely about
do our refugee policies have to become more sensible? more sane? yes, in a sense. we have to differentiate between legitimate refugees such as the christians and other minorities being driven out and slaughtered and driven out by islamic state. and young islamic males of military age who should be fighting for their own countries, the united states, martha, i ve heard a lot of people saying, conservatives, saying how do we sort them out? how do we know what we re getting? it s a pretty safe bet that if you re taking in christian refugees in the middle east, they re not going to be islamist terrorists. the problems go so deep that there s no easy solution, but i will tell you, if we do not get serious about fighting radical islam, carrying it out by the roots, killing them in the middle east, we will continue to lose because the increase in sophistication between the charlie hebdo attacks that happened a year ago staged by al qaeda and this very complex attack by islamic state, this i
on isis. before it was al qaeda. and on and on. and we re seeing a crescendo because the cauldron in the middle east that breeds this is the cauldron of fascist military regimes like assad that allows radical islam to grow and fester in their neighborhood so that they can legitimize military dictatorship and then thwart that third pathway of liberty and freedom. and inside the house of islam is a battle between freedom and theocra theocracy. until america takes sides and begins to get educated on what political islam is, what sharia is, the islamic state, not only is isis, until we have leaders that can call all of the oic, the evil empire, be it saudi arabia, iran, they are all boot camps for isises of the world. they are not our allies. yes, we might call upon them to be our allies against isis tomorrow and next week. but in the long term, they breed these radicals and only answer to them are muslims in the west.
favor rand paul s foreign policy of being less involved or do you favor john mccain anticipate policy of being more involved intervening for in war around the world and it s actually pretty evenly split. about half the republicans think, yeah john mccain is always right and we should have troops in 15 countries and be at war continuously but about half the party says you know what rand paul has a point. sometimes we get involved and it actually backfires on us. the thing that i ve heard this week we had general michael flynn, retired general michael flynn on the program. he used to rung up until july the defense intelligence agency and he and general jack keane and some other top military experts have said we re not talking all military. nobody is saying this is an all military battle but when it comes to fighting radical islam we ll have to be more aggressive and we ll have to have a multi multifaceted approach includeing boots on the ground and strong robust military option. do you