the gray zone. take away, basically, the middle ground there. what does that mean? the middle ground is this kind of conversation where i won t assume your cultural or religious background, but i m a british pakistani muslim. i happen to be many other things as well. many other things. but that part of my identity, the fact that i ve couched it among many other forms of identity, british, liberal, maybe a father, being comfortable with popularism. and what isis these when they say we want to eliminate the gray zone, they want me to reduce my identity first and foremost, only to being a muslim. and have my life dictated primarily by that identity alone. and that leads to the form of governance that we know as theocra theocracy. likewise, they would want someone like you to reduce your identity to just be saying, white, or whatever so you have a form of governance that just represents you. see, how do they benefit from that? of course, any fascism, any form of extremism, any form of ev
on isis. before it was al qaeda. and on and on. and we re seeing a crescendo because the cauldron in the middle east that breeds this is the cauldron of fascist military regimes like assad that allows radical islam to grow and fester in their neighborhood so that they can legitimize military dictatorship and then thwart that third pathway of liberty and freedom. and inside the house of islam is a battle between freedom and theocra theocracy. until america takes sides and begins to get educated on what political islam is, what sharia is, the islamic state, not only is isis, until we have leaders that can call all of the oic, the evil empire, be it saudi arabia, iran, they are all boot camps for isises of the world. they are not our allies. yes, we might call upon them to be our allies against isis tomorrow and next week. but in the long term, they breed these radicals and only answer to them are muslims in the west.