Violence begets violence, not peace. Israel received what they have been giving to Palatine since 1948.
Imperialistic or colonial countries promulgate a meta-narrative that serves their end of modifying the knowledge- -schema to appreciate and acknowledge things in a certain perspective that is different from the mainstream perspective and consequently, it is internalized and believed as true without questioning its
My dad is with me in his coat. He will never die. He is immortal. His coat is still warm and cosy. I felt it then and I feel it now.
Black-coloured, well-knitted and shiny with stylish collar, deep pockets and befitting sleeve brims, a coat hangs and will hang till coats last in my room where life and death
The speculated susurrations still strike my ears. Although, I could not harken when you whispered them they were conveyed to me drenched in a stream of tears. On your deathbed, when you wanted me beside you as you were expending your last moments but I was not near alludes to my misfortune. I was not near, not because I did
Religion comprises basic tenets of life. It is always revealed to uplift humans from their mundane aspects of life. It is a constitution that is framed for the growth and development of human beings. Further, it holds a transcendental position as well. It unfolds the mysterious trajectories that man treads on to fulfill his spiritual aspirations. Regardless of religion, no
Cicero posits, “There are many questions within philosophy to which no satisfactory answers have been given but the question of the nature of God is the most difficult.” Philosophy thus necessarily does not entail making ultimate inferences. It just obliges to initiate the profound exploration of the abstruse realms of the phenomenal world. I use the phrase phenomenal world in