Life, living and livelihood are the three fundamental issues that humans grapple with. The explanations of these three issues are convoluted. They are defined and elaborated by confusion, chaos and suffering. One needs to go through trials and troubles to experience them in their entirety. Hazrat Ali (AS) has defined these three issues to simplify life, living and livelihood.
Hazrat Ali
Exploring the interplay of prayer, faith and joy in the human experience
Alireza Panahian writes in his book, “How to pray a good prayer” that a good prayer is attainable only through a joyful heart and mind, but the joy of the heart and mind is obtained only through a good prayer. The complicated interaction of the two is unravelled only
Exploring the impact of Frantz Fanon s ‘Wretched of the Earth’ on Ali Shariati s anti-authoritarian stance and its role in shaping the Iranian Revolution
The Quran uses the term
The Iranian philosopher’s visionary reinterpretation of Islam, resistance against Western influence and his role in inspiring the Iranian revolution
Ahmad Fardid, an Iranian philosophy professor, coined the term, “Gharbzadegi” loosely translated as Westoxification implying that Iran was both intoxicated with the West and also a victim of the West’s toxins. Imperialistic thoughts and ideas were promulgated and adopted by the people
Exploring the multifaceted roles of religion a beacon from individual edification to societal harmony
Religion has been revealed for the individual, social, economic, moral, and spiritual edification of human beings. It is religion that directs the orientation of the boat of life. It exposes the enigmatic trajectories of life to let man tread smoothly towards the realization of his potential with